Who is Served?
You may be eligible to receive case management services if you are an adult experiencing serious mental health problems that result in frequent crisis evaluations and/or psychiatric hospitalizations.
Why is this Service Offered?
The Case Management Program helps you to resolve crises, manage your illness, gain access to supports and services in the community to assist you in achieving a more satisfying and rewarding life.
What is the Service?
- You will be assigned a primary case manager who will form a partnership with you to facilitate your recovery.
- In addition to your case manager, other team members will also be available to assist you.
- You will meet with a case manager at your home, at PATH, and in the community.
- You and a case manager will identify goals that you would like to achieve and develop a plan to achieve your goals.
- You will receive help from a case manager to obtain behavioral health, substance use or medical treatment.
- You will receive help from a case manager to obtain services such as health insurance, financial benefits and other needed resources.
- You will be able to contact a case manager for help whenever you experience a crisis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You will receive support and encouragement from a case manager as you enter recovery and learn to become more independent.

Services are provided in the community, in your home, or wherever assistance and support is required.
Services are provided in the community, in your home or wherever assistance and support is required.
The case management offices are located at 1919 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. 19111
The case management offices are located at 1919 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. 19111
Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm.
Saturday and Sunday –hours vary to meet individual needs.
Saturday and Sunday –hours vary to meet individual needs.
A case manager is available by phone 24 hours a day/7 day a week for crisis. In-person services may be provided if needed.
You are eligible to receive services if:
- You reside in Philadelphia, and you speak English or Russian as a primary language.
- You have had a psychiatric or psychological evaluation within the past six months, and you meet Medical Necessity Criteria. The referral must be submitted to AdultBCMReferrals@pathcenter.org.
“Without you as my case manager, I would not be the happy person that I am today, would not have the job that I love and would not be in a home where I am so well taken care of.”
Bruce, Case Management Recipient
How Do I Contact PATH?
Please email AdultBcmReferrals@pathcenter.org or call 215-728-4562 to obtain additional information.